It has been a stupid busy time for me recently and I fell behind on posts. That is not to say I didn’t have a single free moment in the last two months but on those few free times that I did get, updating ZippySauce wasn’t high on my list of things to do. I did try to keep notes on all wines/meals during this period but one has fallen through the cracks.
I debated skipping this post altogether as I had the pictures from the night but no notes. I decided not to for two reasons, the first is Amy’s pictures of the meal were great (as always) and second, the dishes Mick made were truly excellent.
Mick did a new salad recipe from scratch. He was trying to unseat my crown as Salad Master and it was a very worthy first attempt but unfortunately young Jedi you have not yet mastered the full power of the Salad.
The Camembert cheese Mick used was top notch and the Prosciutto combined well with it. The dressing was a touch heavy on the olive oil but other than that small flaw the salad was kick ass. As this was two months ago and there was no pictures for the wine with this course and I can’t remember the wine, I’m assuming that Mick paired it with an old favourite of ours which has been reviewed before. So unless Mick or Amy can remember the wine, this one will remain a mystery.
Mick did a Curried Mussel Bowl for everyone but Amy, who got a Curried Shrimp Bowl instead as she doesn’t like Mussels. The Mussels were excellent, actually my words can’t even come close to describing how great this dish was. Mick could do Curried Mussels Bowls every weekend for the next ten years and I wouldn’t get tired of them, they were just that good.
The wine we had with this course was a 2003 Dr. Fischer Spätlese Riesling that I’m completely drawing a blank on. Since I can’t remember it, I’m going to assume it was decent and not very good or very bad or I probably would have remembered it. I will also assume that Amy really liked the wine (she is a complete and utter Riesling whore, God bless her), Mick would have finished his glass and the rest of the bottle as Mick takes his job as wine clean up hitter very seriously. My wife would probably have just quietly sipped at her wine, enjoying it but not say much about it. I probably spent the first five minutes droning on about the wine and comparing to other Spätlese Rieslings we had before while Mick stabbed himself with a fork to keep awake while I did this.
In the end we would have all thrown out our personal ratings for the missing notes. Amy would be the highest rating (it was Riesling… any other grape Amy would be the Russian Judge and have the lowest rating), Mick and my ratings would probably be with in a point of each other and Kathy’s rating would be the lowest (as the ladies are usually tougher on the wines than Mick and myself for ratings).
So now dear reader, while you missed out on details and rating for this wine, you did get a rare glimpse into the highly scientific way we analyze and rate the wines. Mick got kudos for his work in the kitchen, Amy (without having to send me topless photos) got kudos for her awesome camera work for ZippySauce and I got another post off my growing To Do list… everyone wins!